Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Cravings, and More
Health and the connection to nutrition is paramount. When we feel great, usually it is because of our attitude and our intake of nutrient dense foods. Immunity begins in the gut. When we exhibit just a little self discipline and reach for the green leafy things instead of the green jelly candies, we can slowly but surely form new habits. I have a Guide To Wellness From Within that takes 9 weeks (or more) to complete. They are small shifts in our eating lifestyle that takes place each week, but with 100% commitment. Please fill out the contact form and request it in the comment area so I can send it to you for FREE.
The information presented in this website is for informational use only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult a health practitioner before embarking on any health protocol.
Controlling cravings begins with figuring out what triggers those cravings. Is it a past experience that holds you captive to this day? Is it a childhood trauma? Is it just plain habit? We can help you through this journey of discovery and take back your power.