In in the past few years I have learned a tiny bit of how to do that. I have learned patience. I breathe in and out ten times before I respond with a jarring reaction to someone else. I practice a tough Bikram hot yoga series, which is so good for the rest of my facets in this life. I acknowledge that most folks do not "have it in for me," but rather, they are misled themselves or have believed the old dogmas when science and spirituality are bringing them new truths. Sometimes a stranger will look out for me even though they don't even know me well. Wow! Now that's an eye opener. I'm so grateful for the times this has happened. You folks out there know who you are. Thank you.
Now, for the rest of you, let's practice the title, with consistency. I'm talking to myself too here. Let's explain what we expect from others and ourselves so there's no confusion. Remember the word ASSUME can make an "ass out of you and me." We can connect to others so much better and more honestly when we are completely clear in our communications.
As the public school year is under way in the USA, I encourage you to share this message with the teachers, administrators, support staff, and your students. I encourage you to do this at your place
of work. Stop beating around the bush because most folks (like me) won't "get it." We all learn more and give more if we say what we mean and mean what we say. We are elevated in our human experiences.
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis