Even fresh fruits and vegetables are not currently farmed in the way they were a hundred years ago. The commercially farmed produce does not meet our true nutrient needs. Nowadays, produce is farmed specifically to increase sugar and therefore calorie content. That continues the spike in insulin and the cravings afterward.
We need tools to provoke these feel good hormones without the refined carbohydrates and sugar. Eat crap, and we will look and feel crappy. Eat clean and pretty, and we will become clean and pretty. When my food and my fitness are in alignment, I feel fabulous every day, from the inside out. It is just a new choice coupled with desire, determination, and dedication that can lead us toward the path of optimum health and wellness. Love yourself into a better existence.
What do you actively do in a supermarket while buying groceries? Your dollars are your power to change the system...
KJ Landis