The words careless and rushing are used interchangeably in the common conversation. "He spilled the coffee because he was rushing. He spilled the coffee because he was careless."
I think they are not the same thing. When someone is careless they do not care. They care less. We even have the sentence, "I could care less." This means I don't give a hoot. It is a conscious act of less love and attention being bestowed upon a task or a person. It is meaning that the other person or task is not as special or worthy as you. To me, it feels like an insult.
Rushing, on the other hand is moving too quickly towards other tasks, and not really focusing on the present moment. Perhaps the to-do list is so long that one feels overwhelmed. Rushing is motion without stopping to smell the roses. It is not intentional.
I think we need to differentiate between the two words and choose carefully what we say. Our words and thoughts are so powerful. My mentor says, "What you think about, you bring about." Yes, I know it is true. When we can change the internal dialogue, and then repeat, repeat, repeat, we will believe our new thought patterns. Then we act in a way to support that new belief. Yes!
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KJ Landis
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