Sometimes we know what to do and how to do it, but unless we have someone guiding us in a slightly aggressive manner, we never see our true potential. Do you want to reach your life goals? I am not talking about your fat loss or weight loss goals. I am not speaking about your skinny goals or diet plan. I am talking about your legacy. What do you want to leave upon the earth when you leave this place? Your imprint is magical and important for the rest of us to witness. There are people who are available and willing to help you get to the spot you want to be in. I am one of those people.
We are on earth for a limited time and even if we are reborn, the Lord shares with us a little joke by allowing us a total forgetting of the past lives. So let's make this one count. We need gentle generals who push us to be our very best. Our mentors come in many forms. Sometimes we don't even recognize them. But they are there, prodding us all along to be the essence of our sparkling selves.
I want to hear from you!
Who helps you be your best?
KJ Landis
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[email protected]