DAY 15: Today I walked up and down the stairs with a cane 2 times, and down the street towards the 7/11. At the corner I turned around, but I really wanted to cross the street. I knew I would not make the light in the cross walk, and my PT suggested we not venture across the 5 way crosswalk just yet. As I haven't had much of an appetite, a slushie sounded so good right at that moment... Walking with a cane takes some getting used to. I must put the cane on the good side, as support for each step forward on the healing leg. I repeat the words as I go up stairs, "Cane, good leg, bad leg, cane, good leg, bad leg."
DAY 16: My friend came over to Queen Sit, instead of babysit! I think I moved around too much today, and tonight my leg is on fire from the hip all the way to the ankle. I cannot imagine the pain one must endure if one didn't have all of the pain medications. I am on 4 pain medications and still have intense pain daily, even as I am getting better and better.
DAY 17: I slept in until 3 pm! Finally got some wonderful deep sleep, and even though there was pain during the sleep, I feel refreshed. Didn't do much of anything outside of the bedroom today, as the little walk yesterday tuckered me out. I feel like I am losing control of my fitness level. I must be kinder to myself.
DAY 18: The head games we play with ourselves...I should be able to do more because I am a fitness instructor. I know so much of the science and healing techniques that the PT is helping me with. So why am I feeling so weak, tired, and whiny? My husband says it is the drugs and my hormones combined together putting me in a funk and a brain fog. I am not allowed near a stove, and I am forgetting what day it is. Feels like the movie GROUNDHOG DAY.
DAY 19: I had another night of great sleep, 12 hours in all. I think I have turned a corner on the rest. Now to turn the corner on pain. My PT took my staples out today with a special scissors. It took about 3 minutes. My PT said that normally it takes about half an hour due to the patient screaming or asking for breath breaks. I am in so much pain 24/7 that this doesn't feel like anything to me. My range of motion is better and better too. I can bend my leg backwards towards my buttocks at 120 degrees. This, in turn, changes my mood and my attitude today! Having my first cup of tea (decaf) in 19 days to celebrate!
DAY 20: I am stretching out the length of time that I take the Oxy pain medicine. I began this journey at every 4 hours and now I can wait every 6 or 8 hours between doses. The Ibuprofin is off the table as well. I am still taking Tylenol and aspirin. I think I will be able to go back to work at the yoga studio in November, even if I only teach the yoga where I talk and do not do the poses. Thinking good thoughts.
DAY 21: Three weeks. It seems like one looonng day. My bed is definitely getting cozy. I used to be so busy, 4 jobs before the global pandemic, and taking courses on line as well as expanding my private clientele during the pandemic. Now, I am perfectly fine with walking around the house for a few minutes and going back to bed for a binge watching of tv series. Have the drugs allowed me to master the art of relaxation?
If you have had a surgery and want to share the healing and recovery process with me, I would love to know your story. Please feel free to ask me questions that are not addressed on this page as well. I can only share my experience and I am not a clinician. I am a patient, just like you are.
KJ Landis