I define myself as a very safe individual. I'm safe in the way I love to follow the rules, people can trust my word as my promise, and I am generous. I also define myself as a little rigid, anal retentive, and mostly right. I define myself as not spontaneous. I make lists and plan ahead for everything. I need to be needed, and I need to be in control.
In the past four years I learned a lot about myself: I spent time doing everything opposite of how I had defined myself! I took chances with an experimental diet, and succeeded, long term! I ran marathons when I didn't consider myself an athlete. I jogged alone in the woods when I always played it safe before. I flew on an airplane twice spontaneously when formerly I always had planned trips months in advance. I wore a mesh, see -through Lycra shirt to yoga, even though I am a very conservative dresser. I wrote three books, built a website, and reached out to strangers when I considered myself technologically challenged.
I realize now that I defined myself too narrowly. As I look back on these things that I accomplished that weren't in my wheel house of comfort, I have to admit that I am not my definitions. I'm affected so powerfully by doing new and unusual things, that I now can say I'm consistently morphing and changing with each new experience. We can all redefine ourselves with the choices we make and the tasks we choose to challenge ourselves with.
What are your personal definitions? Have you done anything recently to challenge how you see yourself? I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis