When we are making changes from processed, refined foods to a more natural and healthy eating protocol, keep in mind that the best quality food that you can afford is what counts. You do not have to give up your goals if you cannot buy butter that is raw, organic, and $18.99 for a tub. It is far healthier to buy veggies, fruits, meats, and seafood within your budget, than the former Standard American Diet.
So, we can let go of the guilt that we cannot afford all organic all the time. There are many farmers who grow organic and sell at farmers markets, but they cannot afford the organic stamp on their products. Ask around the next time you go to a farmers market.
Make small steps. Perhaps the focus for your shopping will be non-GMO foods. When we stop buying packaged, processed, refined foods, we may find ourselves with more money to buy some things organic. After all, when cereal is $5.00 or more a box, and it lasts less than a week, we can see how processed food costs can add up very quickly, even if we buy in bulk.
Swap out unhealthy oils for one healthy oil. For example, stop buying peanut oil, canola oil, soy oil, corn oil, regular butter, etc. Then replace those with one super food, like coconut oil. Coconut oil has medium chain triglycerides for fuel (and fat burning!), can handle high heat, mixes well with vinegar for dressings, and is very inexpensive, even at the raw, organic level. That's one oil replacing many, therefore saving you money in the long run.
Sit down for a minute and list five types of foods that you want to swap out. Research local grocery stores, food co-ops, and the internet for cheaper, but healthier alternatives. Believe me, if I can do this on a server's salary, then anyone can do this!
Write to me! Tell me one thing that you did to shift into a more healthy lifestyle, and how long it has been assisting you on your journey.
KJ Landis