Eucalyptus smells very strong. It can be used for opening up the nose and chest for breathing better when one has a cold or is suffering from allergies. The chemical properties allow the passage ways to open up and the inflammation to reduce. One can make into a salve, mixing with a carrier oil like coconut oil. I rub it on my chest and put a dab under each nostril. Lots of ancient remedies like chest vapor-rubs and nose rubs have been used as an inexpensive way to soothe and heal the symptoms of the common cold and flu.
When I have a headache, I rub a little oil directly on my temples. If my muscles are sore from overtraining, I put a few drops of the essential oil in my bath with Epsom salts. It acts as an anti inflammatory.
The eucalyptus aroma also can be a helpful tool for focusing and energy. When studying, put a few drops into a diffuser and allow the room to smell great and change to an energizing atmosphere.
For years the common cough drop has had eucalyptus oil in the ingredients list. This can soothe a cough and sore throat. You can boil water with a few crushed leaves and add honey for a lovely healing tea.
Scientists aren’t exactly sure yet what the mechanism inside the oil is that relieves so many problems, but they are working on it.
I hope this helps you, dear readers. Happy winter!
KJ Landis
-Author and Creator of the Superior Self Series
-CPT, CFI, Life and Wellness Coach
-Nutrition Educator
-Essential Oils Workshop Facilitator
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