What do incredibly healthy people all have in common? Radiant energy. We sense it when they are in our personal space. I decided to assist others. I wholeheartedly encouraged folks to stop settling for their life the way it is, and to truly start living for themselves on a higher level.
Our bodies seamlessly know what to do, and they have all of the answers, if we humans get out of our own way. We are so brain smart and forward thinking that we have forgotten the basic ways in which we have lived for eons before processed foods, raspberry ketones, Garcinia Cambogia, point counting, calorie counting, and green coffee bean extract even came onto the scene. Before all of the fad diets and potions, we humans thrived rather than survived. We radiated energy, and functioned without modern conveniences quite well, thank you. Funny thing is, nowadays we have to schedule and plan ahead our methods of simplification. I’m with you there. I need to strategize my food shopping to get the raw veggies, healthy raw fats, raw pastured dairy, pastured eggs, and proteins from specific specialty stores all over San Francisco. Strategic planning and action firmly sets our intention in place. My thoughts gravitate towards completing my to-do list. Then I feel so accomplished at finishing my to-do list, I am happy to reap the rewards by partaking in the cooking and eating of the things I so painstakingly procured!
Results are a happy smiling me, which results in a happy smiling husband and kids. Radiance. If I grabbed takeout food or drive through pickups on my busy day, the result would be a crabby me, nutrient poor delivery of foods to the cells in my body, a bad attitude, acne, gas, weight fluctuations, and a general lackluster life. Not radiant.
Now which life do you prefer? Radiant or Not Radiant?
We've got work to do.
KJ Landis