As I write this, I am feeling a whirlwind of emotions: Angry that I didn't know enough of the correct scientific data about nutrition earlier on in my life, grateful that my mama made it to 87 years old so far, selfish that I want to have her around for a few more decades, happy that I figured out how to heal my own broken metabolism so that I may live longer with full vitality, and sad that my mama doesn't live closer to me so that I could perform a full nutritional healing of her conditions.
Growing up, we five children had lots of homemade foods, with recipes handed down for generations from Russia, Hungary, Rumania, Moldovia, China, Spain, Israel, and England. Add to that the newly created convenience foods of the 1970s and 1980s, and we thought we were eating well,growing stronger, and living healthier. The abundance of cheap and convenient foods, manufactured industrial vegetable oils, processed packaged, canned items were adding to our health problems. This was just the opposite of the promises the USDA, FDA, and AMA made to us as they marketed these items to the world.
It is my belief that the canned foods and horrible oils my parents ate for decades, and cooked in aluminum pots and pans, were large contributors to their age related disorders.
My papa is almost 93. He lives in a wheelchair in a nursing home. He has had memory loss for decades. His dementia is so severe that when I call him on the phone, he thinks the phone is a chocolate bar and the nurses have to take it away from him. I finally was able to catch him awake on the phone for the first time in almost a year and he didn't really know who I was. I kept saying my name and spoke of the moments we had together during my life and his, but he really was not present. I kept saying, "I love you." Two times in an hour-long one-sided conversation, he replied, "I love you, honey." I knew that spark was him, truly him, for that moment. Or maybe he was just repeating what I said. Either way, it made me well up with tears of bittersweet energy.
My mama has rapidly declined in her memory recently. She cannot make sense of digits or instructions. She thinks that she must pay the government back her social security check and she is worried "they" will take her away if she doesn't give it back. Her memory loss creates her to not remember which of her medications she has taken or not, so many days she will overmedicate. Then that creates her to sleep about 20 hours, not eat or drink water, and the vicious circle of health decline continues.
Since they are so aged, what would the quality of their life have been if they had been eating only grass fed, grass finished meats, wild caught fish, healthy dietary fats, and non-GMO green leafy vegetables? What if Twinkies, Ho Hos, Fanta, Coke, TV dinners, bagels, and other highly processed foods were not part of their lives? Maybe at this age they would have been still thriving instead of surviving on a thread of the majestic tapestry they once were. Hindsight is always 20/20.
My dear readers, this makes me even more passionate about helping others reach their superior health state. Eat well, and we can fix the insides. Then the outsides pretty much take care of themselves. We will look better because we will feel great, and we will have the energy and health markers to prove it. That being said, we still may get hit by a bus when crossing the street to put the letter in the mailbox.
So, before you leave the house, say I love you to everybody there. Before you go to sleep, say I love you to everybody there. Life is a huge challenge, and nobody gets out alive. Spread love and joy like splatter paint wherever you go, so that when you do go, the world is painted with your essential colors.
KJ Landis