Originally the antineoplastons were sourced from human blood and urine, but now they are synthetically made in Dr. Burzynski’s laboratory. The treatment involves taking them by mouth or by injection, in the veins or muscles. These treatments may last eight months to a year.
The FDA has opposed the successful treatments because it is something that is found naturally in the body. It is not a huge moneymaker for the drug industry.
The similarities between the Burzynski Treatment and the HCG for healing protocol that I used almost 9 years ago are that they are natural, found naturally in the body, both are taken orally or by injection, and both have been shunned by the FDA.
The diet on the Burzynski Treatment is very similar to the HCG hormone protocol I went on 8 years ago and the other food healing therapies I have written about in the past weeks. Dr. Burzynski stated that we don’t want to feed the cancer with refined carbohydrates and sugar. The clinic uses turmeric, garlic, onions, and curry powder daily in order to reduce inflammation in the body. Dr. Burzynski also claimed that exercise and vitamin D is important, and he believes the mind is a powerful tool in addressing diseases. Furthermore, Dr. Burzynski’s clinic in Texas takes each patient on a nutritional protocol journey that is personalized just for them.
Similar to the HCG Body for Life Protocol, Dr. Burzynski recommends large amounts of water in order to flush out toxins and keep sodium levels down naturally. Water is life.
There is no money to be made in finding a permanent cure for cancer. That is why it has not been done yet. In my opinion these underground therapies have just as much a chance to help heal without the toxic side effects that chemotherapy and radiation provide. Perhaps we can use them all together.
For more information and insight, please view the film called Burzynski: The Movie. It is free on YouTube.
I hope these past weeks of alternative health and healing information has uplifted those suffering from cancer and their caretakers.
KJ Landis