Even in my poorest moments, which may arrive again any day, at any moment, like you, we still have choices. This is why I continue to offer free workshops and personal coaching to those who need it on the internet, on Facebook, and by email. People call me from all over the world. They ask for advice about food, getting rid of their fears, and about healthy eating protocols that won't break the bank. They ask me what is next in my gifts that God shares with me to spread around the world.
I'm still working on book two of Superior Self, and I am waiting for you awesome people to invite me to speak to your community. Please let me know how I may assist you in your wellness goals, anticancer healing therapies, and put me in your libraries! Let me know who to contact in order to help the most people in your world. God bless you, and I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis