Today we are going to look at yoga for plus sized people or folks who aren’t as fit and flexible as they used to be.
The key to success in any yoga class is to listen to the words, focusing on the exact instructions coming from the instructor. In the class, do as much as one can with out pain. A little discomfort is normal in trying anything new. With time and repetition the flexibility and strength WILL show themselves to the practitioner. As a beginner in any movement class, we tend to pay close attentin to the details. Everything can feel fresh, but also a little scary, and difficult.
The use of a belt made of canvas can be a tool for reaching anchoring certain body moves. A towel can help create a safe grip in a warm room.
Inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly allows one to focus and release fears related to the new activity.
I hope this helps you, dear readers. I am your cheerleader!
KJ Landis
-Author and Creator of the Superior Self Series
-CPT, CFI, Life and Wellness Coach
-Nutrition Educator
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