Eating lots of vegetables in every color of the rainbow is especially important as we age for the anti-oxidation value: This means, as the cells naturally get damaged from our pollution, stress, and food choices, we can protect and heal them from further damage.
We must make certain to eat protein as we age: Lots of folks give up protein because it is expensive and so many of us are on limited budgets in retirement. Vitamin B12 only comes from animal products and nutritional yeast flakes so I encourage my wellness clients to get their B12 in any way they can, even in supplement form if they have to. It is important for memory and focus. My mother declined mentally quite rapidly after not eating animal products or nutritional yeast flakes for months.
Movement is key as we age: Continue to exercise and stretch as often as possible. Light, weight bearing exercises can strengthen the muscles as well. Even a simple yoga plank or walking up hills add resistance training with our own body weight. Remember, motion is the lotion. We want to age with agility, flexibility, and strength. Exercise is also a social activity if we want it to be. It keeps us connected with others and with nature if done outdoors.
I hope this has helped you on your life's wellness journey.
KJ Landis
Superior Self with KJ Landis
SuperiorSelf channel on YouTube