The ginger opens up the chest and helps blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body.
The lemon has essential oils to suppress the phlegm from catching the back of the throats and allows us bring phlegm up (as a natural expectorant).
The local honey is important because we are ingesting all of the pollen in food form that we are allergic to in our area and in season. We become, essentially, part of our environment in a real way. My children's pediatrician told me to do this years ago when my son was suffering from allergies and asthma. He recovered sooner than other kids who went the pharmaceutical route. The honey is good for soothing an itchy throat as well and even is good before bed by itself for keeping us from itchy coughing all night (keeping us up).
I hope this helps.
KJ Landis
Author and Creator of the Superior Self series
Visit me at www.superiorselfwithk