Women, especially, are taught to nurture. We love to do it too. I am a server, a mother, a life coach, a wellness coach, a personal trainer, a teacher, and an author. Many of my jobs are helping and caring for others to enable them to be their very best.
What about me? It is difficult to say, ME, NOW. I deserve. Why? Because I have done the work, the efforts, the homework, put the time in, and now have the experience. When discussing relationships, we can get what we want by listening. Yes, listening to the other partner helps them, and us figure out exactly what we do not want. Then we can figure out what we want in our lives and ask for it, point blank.
In preparation for asking for what I want I write positive affirmations daily. I write three things down that I want in any area of my life. I say them aloud all day long. The important thing is to hand write them on a piece of paper or notebook, looking at it multiple times daily. I repeat them in the car, in the mirror, on the toilet, even! When I actualize and my thought becomes a reality, I drop the line I wrote and add a new one. The physical act of thinking of something that is a desire and then repeatedly writing and saying it over and over again is creating your future. I call it the future-present.
We can do this with a partner as well. We can each write down and repeat what we want from each other. It helps to see it to believe it, and work towards the end goal together.
I hope this helps you on your happiness journey.
Please contact me if I may be of service.
KJ Landis