If this is not in our natural seat of our personality, it may be a scary place for us to reside in right now. So, how do we get out of this dark feeling? I have a few tips which may help:
- Watch funny tv shows and movies to laugh as much as possible: the pleasure hormones are released when we laugh, sending messages of healing and happiness throughout the spine to all areas of the body.
- Have more sex: feeling close to someone can release hormones of safety and security.
- Go outside and play: playing outside in nature, even skipping or walking, can help us feel hopeful, knowing we are connected to everything and everyone.
- Exercise: when we are sweaty and done, we sort of forget our woes for a little bit.
- Journal: writing down our thoughts and feelings can release the thoughts from our head and put them somewhere else, leaving space for good thoughts to enter.
- Do something nice for someone else: no explanation needed.
- Color: when is the last time you took crayons to paper? Take some time to be an artist for your own expression, not any judgement.
- Meditate: practicing slowing down the breathing and releasing activity inside is a moment that can carry us through the rest of the day or night.
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis