My first activity is usually to moisturize my face and hands. Then I use my (always handy) tweezers to pluck my pesky moustache hairs, my eyebrow strays, and my mole hairs. After that, I apply makeup, unless I am going to exercise. I return phone calls, check off my daily to-do list, and clean the dash board and interior car windows. After that, I write. I work on my blog, my book, my social media messages, my newsletters and campaigns. I email folks and try to edit pictures for above tasks. If I didn't arrive everywhere early, very early, I probably would not have written a couple of books. I find parking (very challenging in San Francisco) with plenty of time to meditate, pray, contemplate new creative endeavors, and rouse up new motivation for my goals.
When I first met my husband, he said to me, "I have to tell you that one of my faults is that I am usually late." I replied, "Not with me, you won't be (late)." Almost 27 years later, he is rarely late, and calls ahead to let me know the situation (if it is out of his control). You see, my philosophy is that if people are chronically late, it is a power and control issue. If they are late, they are silently saying that their time is more valuable and at a higher level of importance than your time. It is a sign of disrespect and dishonor not to honor the other person who is taking time out of their day to be in your presence. On the other hand, I believe that if you are on time or early consistently, it shows respect and honor towards the events and people you are spending time with. And, it gives you time to chill out before meeting up with anybody, and perhaps write a book! Really, how difficult is it to leave your house a few minutes earlier in order not to feel the pressure, stress, or lack of respect for those waiting for you? I am not hating on anybody here, just sharing my philosophy.
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis
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