I am aware of this because I participate in procrastination too. I focus on the problems and the many ways my problems, although small when compared to others', takes on many layers and facets. The adjectives and layers of issues can grow in my mind, kind of like an candy apple bar at Neiman Marcus. I add the layers of chocolate, caramel, nuts, more white chocolate, etc., until the apple is beautiful and full of many colors. But the goodness is in the shiny green Granny Smith apple at the center of the candy apple. The fiber, vitamins, and goodness lie underneath. I must get rid of the upper layers by eating them or cutting them away. I must deal with the "stuff" I don't want in order to really be attentive to what I do want. In our lives it is the same.
Focus more on the solutions and the creative aspects there. Fantasize and write down the solutions, no matter how wild they may seem at first. The problems in your life will eventually fade away because you are not spending time and energy there anymore. After all, we only have 24 hours a day to spend our energy and experience everything.
We cannot serve others until we have served ourselves. When we do just that, the answers seem to appear little by little, out of "nowhere." The appearance of the right solution is a result of a slowing down and letting the creative imagination flow. I am a huge fan of the mind-body connection, of making lists, coloring, going out for a walk in nature, and of breath.
What do you do to make your shift from the problems to the solutions? Are you open to your personal muse? The muse is the little angel on your shoulder nudging you to do something new and different than you ever did before in order to receive a different result that makes you feel like you are taking steps towards your personal bliss. Routines are good, but they may not always serve you in every situation. Sometimes routines feel safe and convenient. Now I ask you to lift your eyes up to the heavens and say YES to new possibilities that serve your highest purpose!
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KJ Landis