I would like you to take a few moments and string together the life changing moments of your life. Write them down as if you are sharing them with somebody who has never met you. Sit there in reflection. Know thyself. We may not get to choose the moment of our death. To be able to do that is known in many spiritual circles as one being a warrior. To be prepared at every moment to leave this place is truly living in freedom and without unfinished business, no regrets. Reflection need not occur at New Year's Eve celebrations or on your milestone birthdays. Give yourself the opportunity to live with dignity and respect for yourself and others each moment.
I'm telling you all this becasue I lost an uncle recently who was very close to me, and it was an unexpected death. He was doing well on chemo and radiation, and somehow air got into his pick line and air got into his brain and heart, causing immediate unresponsiveness and death a couple of days later. The family is in shock. Fortunately, I had a wonderful conversation with him a couple of weeks before his untimely death which had me taking notes becasue every word out of his mouth was full of life wisdoms. So, now it is your turn to step up your awareness, my friends!
I want to hear from you.
KJ Landis