How many of us listen to others (or ourselves) complain just a little bit, every day, multiple times daily? I have fallen off the happy wagon a lot in my life, and then I drag others down to the smelly bottom with me. I am taking responsibility right now for being a spoiled American with too many choices and therefore too many complaints....
I want us to wake up to the blessings we have every moment. The first blessing is our breath. The next blessing is our free will. The next blessing is our bodies' ability to do every little thing it does for us, and most of the functions are automatic! The next blessing is the capacity to love, to cry, to have fears, emotions, etc...
I think you all get my point. I want you to write down on a small piece of paper 10 things that have blessed you today. Tomorrow do it again. Then after a few days you will have a pile of blessings! And that's only the beginning!
Thanksgiving and Christmas and your birthday is every day!
I want to hear from you!
Thanks for sharing your blessings,
KJ Landis
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