I modeled from age 4 through age 35, so I know the pressures of trying to look a certain way to meet society's expectations.
Men don't suffer of the same expectations as women because there are less of them in the magazines, beauty advertisements and weight loss sales pitches. It's a number game. Most men do not call up their male friends and talk about how fat their thighs are or how big they felt in their outfit at a social event.
We can stop the insanity in a myriad of ways. I place little Post-it notes in my bathroom and on my bedside table with lovely things written about myself on them. "I am strong. I am powerful. I am brilliant. My body performs in a way that is good for me and good for my family. I make smart choices. I make healthy choices. I look great on the inside and the outside because I know what I can do. I am gorgeous housing for a shiny soul."
These are just some examples of the things I post all over my house, my car, and in my purse.
I hope this helps. I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis
Author and Creator of the Superior Self series