The marketing and publicity teams, on the other hand, tug at our heart strings in order to get our business. Just look at Coke. We all know it factually is sugar water, and is not a healthy choice, but the commercials show young, hip bikini clad girls and guys on a beach having a party. They show Christmas gatherings with the elders and generations enjoying Coke together. Creating memories and releasing feel good hormone are all about feelings! We are subliminally recreating the possibility of a better life when we buy the soda in the store.
What if we have an opportunity to feel good without the lies the ads told us? What if our on-line business or brick and mortar business was all feelings, supported by real facts and doing good for the world? In the coaching arena, I read so many slick emails and email capturing services that just feel wrong. I encourage you to do business with your true heart, friends. Then the Universe will honor your dignified movement. Your passions and beliefs have a place in the world. And you can profit from them without being like the ones who give false promises.
I want to hear from you.
KJ Landis