I woke up to an inspiration from my husband. He said,
"I'm not complaining, I'm explaining."
Wow. I needed to go a little deeper. People will roll their eyes at you if you just complain. They will not listen, but if you say, "Hey, I want to explain this completely to you..."
You may have the wall break down and truly understand what the message is.
We have such short attention spans these days because of our fast world of electronics, fast foods, and information overload. It is truly difficult to slow down anything and anyone, EVER. If you give yourself the opportunity to breathe a moment, then you can give the other person the opportunity to do the same. The explanation may be a truth telling moment for both of you. How I love those A-HAAA moments! That is what I call the divine spark intervening. I don't care when or where it comes from...I just want to invite it in!
So, today, roll your eyes a little less, and give everybody a real chance to explain themselves.
KJ Landis