1. Write a letter to those who have done you wrong. It doesn't matter whether you are ready to mail it to them or not. The act of getting it out on paper is a great release of the past.
2. Use the Negative Thought Pot. Any fears or self deprecating thoughts that pop up, write down on a strip of paper. Put the negative thought into a clay pot and set on fire. The act of physically destroying the paper reminds us that we aren't owned by that thought. The next time that thought pops into your head, you can say, "I destroyed you! You no longer have power over me."
3. Reflect to figure out if similar dramatic or traumatic event are followed by the same reactions. If so, find a trusted loved one to role play and act out different solutions to the past problems.
4. Reach out and ask for help. Being vulnerable does not equal being weak. It is actually a beautiful and strong way to rise up from hurt.
5. Share your successes! People want to support you and truly want to give you a pat on the back when you grow and do well.
KJ Landis