In the workplace, folks are busy; other folks my be watching you, and it may be odd or inconvenient to take a walk, meditate, or take a time out. However, nobody who is observing ever feels it is odd or inappropriate to go to the restroom.
So, I suggest excusing oneself and go into a stall. Close one’s eyes and count forwards and backwards silently from one to ten, very slowly. See the numbers float by like taffy or caramel. Take a few rounds of this to slow everything down and rejuvenate. It is like a vacation from the rest of the day, even for a minute or two!
Another option for de-stressing is to have a cotton ball in a drawer or in a purse with lavender essential oil on the surface. I put mine in a small ziplock bag and pull it out to remind me that the moment will pass and that everything will get better. I visualize the field of flowers the essential oil came from. Use an essential oil that calms you down or provides a warm and happy memory.
I hope this helps you, dear readers.
KJ Landis
-Author and Creator of the Superior Self series
-Nutrition Educator
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