I witness discrimination against people who want to make a healthy choice in food or life goals.
I see it daily amongst my coworkers when I choose foods differently than they do. I see them roll their eyes as I eat the butter and skip the bread. I hear the whispers among family members when I choose red wine over red velvet cake.
When I go to my clients' homes and clean out their cupboards of refined, processed, packaged foods, I feel disdain on the back of my neck from the other family members as I separate the healthy bags of goods from the unhealthy bags. They are discriminating against me, as the new enemy, and they are discriminating against their loved ones because they are unused to the new behavior.
Maybe this is rightly so, in the beginning. Their loved ones may have gone down this path before and failed many times, so why should they believe this time will be different? Insanity is the belief that we will do the same actions over and over again and yet expect different outcomes each time.
The hecklers think we are crazy to try again, and they discriminate based upon our past behaviors. I ask you, how can the bible say turn and give the other cheek? We must do better for our loved ones than expect the worst. If a cat has 9 lives, why can't we?
I am awakening the optimist in all of us, the ones facing challenges, and the ones supporting those who face life challenges. Whether it is a health challenge, a career challenge, a relationship challenge, or a habit challenge, pretend you are a toddler again for just a few seconds, when all of life was an adventure, fun, full of live, laughter, and endless hope. Own the freedom to take back your hope. You had it within you all along.
KJ Landis