"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
Dr. Seuss reminds us not to take ourselves so seriously all of the time! Even if you are in a serious business, you can inject fun, joy, humor, and generosity of spirit into every day. We all make mistakes. Does that mean we have to be sullen and beat ourselves up about it? No! Shake that monkey off your back!
At the end of each day, write down one thing that was good, fun, or that you are grateful for. After a few weeks, your little notebook of goodness is a testament to how wonderful and fun your life is! Seeing the words on paper in your own handwriting is more effective than typing the grateful or fun moments because it is a mind and body connection and communication. I actually hand write my books on simple composition notebooks that I purchased at the Dollar Store. I actually didn't know anything about typing, social media, or website creation when the muse worked like a mosquito with its high pitched zzzzzzzzzzing in my ear!
When the student is ready, the muse will appear! Having fun along the way and acknowledging our fun is contagious! We all love being around positive, fun people. Even if it isn't natural for you, you can accept the goodness around you. You can fake it! I smile at strangers every day at work, even when I'm having a so-so day, or a bad day. When they smile back at me, a genuine and real smile comes back from me to them. It is contagious!
What did you do fun today? I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis