I don't think we must be the top. That means folks are less than you in their ways. Rather, I believe we must perform to the best of our abilities at any moment, knowing we can always improve. Sometimes just suiting up and showing up is winning.
When I saw Oprah complete her first marathon at age forty, I decided right then and there that when I turned forty, I would be mature enough, and have enough mental strength, endurance, and power to run a marathon. So, a day or so before my fortieth birthday I ran and completed my first marathon. (Since then, I have completed sixteen marathons.)
My daughter was a toddler at the time. When she saw the crowd, music, balloons, and fanfare as they announced my name crossing the finish line, she thought I won the marathon, taking first place! I had a medal, tee shirt, and food as gifts too! Her believing I won made it so in her world. The facts and the beliefs worked together in assisting me in accomplishing my goals. They are powerful tools. Since then, every time I get near the end of a race, when I hear my name, see the balloons, and music is blaring, I feel like I have won. I get emotional and teary eyed. I feel immensely grateful for my heart, arms, legs, and life. Thanks, Oprah.
"Topping the rest" may be topping your performance yesterday. Now, my daughter Sage is 12 years old and participates in Olympic Weightlifting. One day while riding in my van with her friends from the club, they told me they liked the sport because they don't compete against each other. They compete against their last lift. All training and meets are for the purpose of getting stronger. They even changed the word for the events from competitions to meets. That word is inclusive and builds community. They are meeting up with other like minded individuals for the support in their chosen sport.
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis
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