Now, finally we get to talk about food! I see Dr. Seuss was a real food eater! He understood the value of lemons and limes! He probably researched the benfits of chocolate! Just kidding...but this quote gives a blessing to all who read it and it is a sort of farewell blessing in the original meaning. For me, well, being a nutrition researcher, I want to share with you the health benefits of lemons, limes, and chocolate. Besides, they are found in almost every culture in kitchens around the world!
Lemons are in the citrus family. Here are some benefits:
- Lemons are quite acidic (sour in taste), but create an alkaline response in the digestion. The enzymes used to digest acidic foods are alkalzing. This is good for immunity response and prevention of disease.
- Lemons are full of vitamin C, which works at preventing colds and flus.
- Lemons are great liver cleansers. Add some to your water to liquify the bile and get things moving for elimination.
- Lemons are good for treating colds and flus if you get one.
- Lemons reduce appetite. If on a lifestyle change where you are eating less processed foods and finding cravings impossible to deal with, eat lemons like candy and add to everything. Even the skin has essential oils which smell amazing and also curb appetite.
- Lemons kill intestinal worms.
- Lemons break up kidney and gall stones.
Limes are also in the citrus family. Here are some benefits:
- Limes can be used for treating scurvy.
- Limes have antioxidants which are good for oxygen supply and for the heart.
- Limes essential oil is used for focus, studying, and an increase in energy.
- Limes have lots of vitamin C.
- Limes can kill harmful bacteria on hard surfaces when cleaning with them.
- Limes are a good source of potassium.
- Limes are an appetite suppressant.
Chocolate is from the cacao plant, which was originally found in South America. Here are some benefits:
- Chocolate, if dark and low or no sugar, has antioxidants which fight or prevent hypertension and heart disease.
- The good fat in chocolate helps with memory decline.
- Chocloate helps with fetal growth, which is a good reason women crave chocolate when pregnant! The body knows...
- Chocolate improves athletic performance.
- Chocolate helps with menstrual cramps.
- Chocolate improves mood.
- Chocolate has properties which release the feel good hormones in our brain, serotonin, and dopamine.
The lists above are by no means exhaustive. Please do your own research. You may find many more food facts in my first book, Superior Self: Reaching Superior Health for a Superior Self. Available wherever books are sold and on line. Click here to order!
KJ Landis
Sources for this blog may be found on the resources page of this website. Additional sources: American Urological Association, annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/acm.2012.0567, JAMA Vol 19,Apraj, V.,N. D., Bhagwat, A., Maliya, R., Sawant, L., & Pandita, N. (2011, October). Pharmacognostic and phytochemicam evaluation of citrus aurantifolia (Christm) swingle PEEL. Pharmacognosy Journal, 3 (26), 70-76. Ding, E. L., Nutrition and Metabolism, Jan. 3, 2006. Grassi, D. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 2005; vol 81, No. 3:pp611-614.
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