This quote comes from the book The Cat in the Hat. The illustrations have the babysitter teetering things one on top of another and balancing them in amazing form that seems impossible but they are balancing...until they aren't. The kids are hard to convince at first to let go and have fun, to break the status quo, the dogma, the rules, etc. When they finally do, they realize how fun life can be. Then life throws a few messes at them when the balancing things fall and the $#!+ hits the fan. The kids have to figure out how to clean up the mess before mom comes home, with a little help from their new cat friend.
This is a metaphor for life! These are the things I write about in my books! Let go of the rules and old dogma sometimes. We do things because that is the way we have always done them. The old ways are convenient and comfortable. Even if those shoes are too small and we outgrew them to the point where we have our big toes poking through the leather, they are familiar and make us smile to put them on. I get it.
Well, most doctors are comfortable learning medicine and wan to fix things after they are broken, so to speak. They only have a semester or less of current nutrition science and preventive care through food and especially through plants. This is not the doctors' fault. They only have 24 hours a day like the rest of us, and study intensely to get their education! If you adhere to the standard American diet and you are listening to the doctors who are being told what to put on the food pyramid or my plate by the subsidized governmental agricultural society, then the pharmaceutical industry and the hospitals and the mainstream medical industry stays extremely wealthy. It is the largest profitable industry in the world. I believe the patient is responsible for self education and asking questions. I believe we must be partners with our health care providers.
If we focus on preventive healthcare with the same money, we can funnel the funds into safe and clean water, HIV/AIDS prevention and research and other communicable diseases around the world. We can focus on new research on formerly incurable diseases like cancer, ALS, MS, AIDS, type 1 diabetes, and the causes of obesity and fetal diseases. We can funnel money into education around the world and electricity and shelter, a focus on true compassion and equality, mental disorder work and anger management. I need a soap box here! Thank you, Dr. Seuss!
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis