Here is one to think about! The Dr. Seuss quote for now is:
"Think left and think right and think low and think high.Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"
I love brainstorming! I love making lists! The subject or theme is given, and away my imagination goes! I love planning the day or vacations with lists. It is so satisfying to cross the tasks and the activities off as we acquire the memories and things. It is always a joy to be creative.
Some of you may think I'm off my rocker. You are not a planner, do everything last minute, and are spontaneous. Well, that is creative too! You must think on your feet, as the saying goes. Keep your head in the clouds or push on through! Whatever floats your boat to get the creative imaginative mind going is a gift.
I truly believe our dreams are a way to have creative consciousness and creative subconsciousness simultaneously! When I was a child of about seven or eight years old, I repeatedly had dreams of being in a black innertube relaxing in a lake on a hot summer day. There was a phone in my hand without wires and I was talking to my friends and family on the phone. At that time there weren't any sort of cell phones. There weren't even cordless home phones either. I honestly believe that if I had that dream, then lots of folks had the same or similar dreams and together we placed ideas collectively into being. Then some brilliant scientists and engineers picked up on the collective consciouness and Whaaa-laaa! We had the invention of cordless and cell phones.
What magnificent things do you think of? I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis