What comes to mind when I read that is: Sassy! Confident! Cheeky! Bold! A real go-getter! Wow! A person who puts their words into action is footsy. Also coming to mind is: Use the brain that God gave you. Do not waste your intelligence, creativity, imagination, emotions, analytical strategizing, problem solving skills...
We often look up to athletes in our society as heroes, and rightly so. From meager beginnings, they had a dream or just an unmistakable talent that they or someone close to them witnessed, and then cultivated into something greater than anybody would have believed at the beginning. Look at the marathoners from third world countries! They run barefoot for years as children. Look at soccer players and baseball players from the ghettos around the world, kicking around rubber band balls, crumbled wads of paper, and hitting those balls with splintered sticks or scrap wood.
When I watched the Olympics this past summer, I was not watching the actual sport for the most part. I was riveted to the stories told by the news reporters about the early lives of the athletes. Now that was inspiring and motivating to me to continue my research and share my heart and facts with you.
By night I am a server, called a waitress by some folks, in a hotel restaurant. Does that define who I am? I can share my brain and my bliss as I wait tables. Relationships are cultivated for the hour or so that I am serving up food and food for thought. What a blessing to me! I meet folks from all over the world from every profession. I see business people and families on vacation. I can use my brain and learn from them as they dine. Brainy also means seeking out an education in the areas that interest me. If I cannot afford another university degree, I hit up the library (almost every day). There are on line courses that are certified and available for free. "Use it or lose it" also applies to the brain!
Then there is the footsy part. Okay, so what are you going to do with all of those big brains? Sometimes learning for learning's sake is satisfactory. That is great. For some, footsy means actively seeking out the next learning experience, the lecture, book, seminar, workshop, class, radio show, podcast, or more. For others, they are antsy to move in a way that takes the brainy part into sharing or career shifts, writing, singing, composing, acting, researching, moving forward in a direction that serves the world while serving their thirst for knowledge.
It's all good. I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis