"You're off of Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!
Now, that statement is a positive way to wake up. This morning I could not sleep. Usually I sleep 9-10 hours a night. My body just needs rest. When I began 2017, I decided to engage in a green veggie juice fast. The extra energy my body is not using for digestion, well, I guess I just do not need the sleep right now. I'm working on an elevated level of thinking. I am not restricting calories, and of course I have coffee in the morning. Those of you who know me well know that I love coffee more than any other beverage.
I thoroughly enjoyed my December, enjoying a manhattan or two every evening of my vacation at home. I ate ice cream, the most organic, raw, daily-made, local kind I could get. When January rolled around I started my yearly detox. This year, however, I decided not to put a number or goal on my journey of vegetable juice fasting. I didn't claim to myself or to others on social media, "Come join me on my 30 day juice fast." When I have done that in the past, the number statement, it put pressure on me to be either a success or a failure. This year, I want my journey to flow. I am just going to see how it goes, and when my body tells me I am done, then I will be done. Listening to my body has become easier in my 50s. I am a partner to my body, rather than judging it all of the time. I m practicing self care, rather than sick care.
So, back to the quote. Your mountain is waiting. What that means to me is that we all have goals in life. It may feel like an insurmountable goal, but with every step closer, we can see the goal become attainable. The mountain may be a high, round hill. When we hike up the mountain, we can see that it was not to far away and high up in the clouds as we first imagined. Heck, I climbed Table Mountain in Capetown, South Africa in 48 minutes one time! Every time I hiked that mountain, I tried to beat my time. The view from the top of the mountain was amazing, but I realized it was not as high as I imagined from below.
Just suiting up and showing up is half the battle. I didn't understand chemistry very well in 10th grade. I showed up every day, memorized the formulas so I wouldn't blow up the lab, asked questions of the teacher and the kids who really got the subject, and got an A in the class. I knew that I would never use chemistry again in my life, but I wanted that A. The only time I use chemistry now is in the kitchen for baking! My point is, asking for help on the way up the mountain is not weak. It is a strength to ask of others who are more knowledgable than you.
I am your cheerleader! I have researched for years the most up to date and relevant data that will help you reach your wellness goals. It begins with the first step on day one, today.
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis