Ah, the joys of routine and convenience. They make us feel safe. Routines in our society have become rituals. I thoroughly adore the way I make my morning coffee, and pour ever so slowly the boiling water over the grounds in my Melitta filter. I always pour the water counter clockwise, for some reason. I measure out two tablespoons of raw, heavy whipping cream over the black coffee and watch the swirls of marbled browns emerge into just the right homogenous shade for me.
Am I boring, playing it safe to make my coffee the same way every day? Or am I finding sacred moments through everyday living? I choose to see my morning habit as the latter. That does not mean, however, that I don't want to shake things up and have fun too! I love to try new coffee houses, hiking spots, and I keep a running list of restaurants, movies, and musicians that I want to experience. I have a dream of traveling off to some exotic place that I have never been before with only a purse or backpack. I fantasize of having that freedom to buy whatever I need as I encounter the need. I want to travel with only the clothes on my back, acquiring and discarding as necessary. To me, that would be fun and good.
Taking risks and experiencing completely new things that are out of your wheelhouse may be scary, but also fun. Your point of view may shift completely. Yippee! You may let go of baggage, and believe me, we all have baggage. What would your life look like if you had a day off? Have you ever had a secret day off? You know what I mean...get ready for the day, leave the house and do not go through the usual routine. Nobody knows, but you. What would that secret day off look like? I would love to hear from you after you muse upon your secret day off, thinking about trying new things and having 100% fun. This is for you. You deserve it. When I do something completely out of the ordinary, even if it is small, I feel exhilirated, refreshed, and ready to take care of those around me with more love and care. Why? Because I have taken care of me and nurtured myself out of the routine.
I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis