By age 12, the calls for jobs were less and less and this worked on my self esteem. My doctor told my parents I had an unhealthy cholesterol level, and the endocrinologist scared us.
Then from age 12-14 I focused on eating well and learned how to move my body for fun and self love. I took ballet and modern dance for the first time. I got my first ten speed bike. I became the youngest person ever to receive a personal trainer certificate and certified fitness trainer certificate on the East Coast, teaching a myriad of exercise classes at Elaine Powers and Bally's.
I grew 8 inches and my body changed. The modeling bookings came in again at a rapid speed but I still had school, movement classes, and choir. The most important thing for me in my teens wasn't how I looked. It was getting straight As in school and how I felt. Sure, I had slip ups and bouts with overeating and under eating in those days. Most teens experiment. Fortunately for me I wasn't experimenting with sex or drugs. (I was a virgin until my second year of university, by choice. I wanted to be in love.)
In my 40s I was running marathons and again teaching fitness classes while taking care of two children and working evenings serving food in a restaurant. I was perfect in my body proportions, but was 50 pounds heavier than I used to be. I felt like I wanted to have my outside match my inside. I felt so awesome, joyful, and abundant on the inside. I eventually made the food choices to have the outside match my inside. I lost the 50 pounds and am now helping others reach their superior selves with mindfulness, food choices, and movement. I am a research junkie, life and wellness coach, wellness workshop facilitator, author, motivational speaker, and creator of the Superior Self series. If I can do this, you can do this. If I am busy and still make the time for self love and self care every day, so can you.
It is important to me to share my stories with you. Read my older blogs. I am just like you. I still waitress at night to support my family. I help folks with lifestyle changes. It doesn't matter what shape or size one comes to me with as long as they are healthy and ok with themselves at the core. We must believe in the big WHY, use the Negative Thought Pot, and take baby steps toward a healthier life no matter what that looks like for them. It is unique for each individual.
I hope this helps!
KJ Landis