Everything in the earth decomposes at one time or another. Through the decomposition the carbon goes into the earth and fungi arises, eating the decomposing organic matter. Under the earth's surface, the mycelium are communicating to one another, and to plants. The mycelium feed the plants and the plants feed the mushrooms. The mushrooms around the globe are a wonderful helper to all. There is a theory that mushrooms came from a meter or another planet many moons ago. It is not quite plant and not quite animal. It is the newest superfood to gain attention in the health world.
It is important to know which fungi are healthy for us and which aren't. Mold and mildew (types of fungi) in the home can cause allergies or illness. Some mushrooms are medicinal. Many are delicious to eat, raw or cooked. For medicinal mushrooms, try asking a holistic health practitioner for assistance. Peruse the health food stores and look at the benefits. For edible mushrooms, look no further than the grocery store. Many stores and farmers' markets are carrying different tasty varieties.
Mushrooms we eat are full of fiber, B vitamins, vitamin d and minerals to boost the immune system. They are low in calories and can add a tasty addition to any meal. They hold antioxidants, can lower blood pressure over time, and can reduce inflammation n the body. Some mushrooms are used in patients with cancer and PTSD therapies. The psychedelic mushrooms are now being used in healing from many ailments all over the world. They have been seen to increase memory and even create new neurons in the brain. New research is being done, as mushrooms have been "let out of jail."
I encourage you all to see the film and eat more mushrooms!
KJ Landis