First of all we must realize that all plant matter turns into glucose sugar in the bloodstream during digestion. Whether you are eating a candy bar, cereal, or spinach leaves, they will all convert to sugar.
The speed of which the glucose sugar moves through the body and is used as energy or turns into fat is determined by the amount of fiber that is in the food. So, the spinach, which is full of fiber and lower in natural sugar, will keep us more stable in energy and fuller longer, and not craving sugar soon after eating it like the other items mentioned above. If I add butter or olive oil to the spinach I slow the process down more, keeping cravings for sugar at bay and keeping me full longer.
If we eat healthy dietary fats and oils such as extra virgin olive oil, avocados, coconuts, raw nuts and their butters, grass fed dairy products and wild caught fish and seafood, the fats keep us saturated for hours and also keep us from craving sugary things.
In the morning I have coffee with 2 tablespoons of raw cream and then I drink close to a gallon of water during my hot yoga class or hike. I add lots of lemon, cinnamon, or cucumber to my water. The citrus and other flavors keep me from wanting sweet things throughout the day. The cream in my coffee satiates me for a long time too.
The sheer fact that I am drinking a lot of water allows me to step back and define whether I am truly hungry or whether I am socially and emotionally hungry (when offered treats at the restaurant where I work at night). If I am truly hungry, I eat! But after a few weeks of smart choices, upping my green fibrous veggies, increasing my fat intake and increasing the water, I can easily say no to the treats that come down from the banquet department of the hotel restaurant where I work. The pastries and cakes are beautiful artwork, but they no longer whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
Finally, I encourage folks to get a buddy to join in on the journey of anti-refined sugar. Building a tribe of support is important when making lifestyle changes for the better. Identifying when you want to celebrate with a dessert is part of the plan too. When you do have a treat, it will be enjoyed without guilt then. It will be a treat, not a cheat. Guilt is self induced, and we can rid ourselves of the inner critic with our tribe at our side.
I hope this helps. Please contact me if I may be of any assistance.
KJ Landis
Life and Wellness Coach
Nutrition Counselor
Books available everywhere.
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