My exposing you to a broad approach to your own wellness includes the physical, mindful, and spiritual paths. Just as we do not live entirely on our own in any society, we cannot figure all theses parts out on our own. We must read, research and experiment. We must employ a positive mental attitude, make smart choices, and surround ourselves with folks who won't sabotage us.
That may be harder to accomplish. When we fail at a goal repeatedly, the ones who are around us at work and at home expect us to fail again. Perhaps instead of announcing a goal, we can just quietly make steps toward the end. When folks see our persistence and commitment, they will definitely come around and ask for help in their own life goals. I tell you this because it has been my own experience.
So, if you want my personal help, I am here. If you want weekly encouragement, I am here. My blogs, videos, and meal ideas are all here on the website. My books and workbooks are here to assist you in becoming your most authentic self, your superior self. I am constantly pursuing balance in my life. I know most of us are. The way to achieve the balance is to learn how to say no, and then practicing politely declining a task. Commit to others what you can do easily, so that the work that takes a lot of effort, you spend the energy on yourself. Devote yourself to yourself. When you do, you will find yourself centered and balanced so that when you do pick up the pace, it is without regret. You will be in balance.
I want to hear from you. What do you do to pursue your own balance?
KJ Landis