Increasing water slowly to about a gallon a day allows us to realize if we are truly hungry, or socially and emotionally hungry. This is a great gauge in our daily lives for appetite control and stress. Water increases sweat and urine production. Perspiration and urination are how our bodies remove fat when we are on a fat loss protocol. The more water in, the more water and fat out.
Lemon adds acidity to the water, but the body must digest the acid with enzymes that make the body in balance again and we become alkaline. Being more alkaline is healthy to the body because diseases like acid and cannot grow well in an alkaline environment. Cinnamon in the water helps keep blood sugar in balance and tomato basil water is a surprisingly nice change for a savory water rather than sweet flavor on the palate. I like to mix it up, and even my children drink more water now that we add fruits and veggies to the water jugs. I suggest using glass jugs so there is no chance of plastic leaking PBA or estrogen into the water.
I lost 50 pounds 5 years ago and drinking a gallon of lemon or infused water a day has definitely helped me keep the weight off. Yes, I did use the restroom every hour at first, but after 3 weeks, if I didn't get my gallon of water in, I was parched by 10 PM. My body is used to the water with lemon now and I use the restroom as often as anybody else does who does not drink lots of lemon water.
KJ Landis
San Francisco, CA
Author and Creator of the Superior Self series