Iodine therapy: I have been reading up on thyroid hormone output, menopause, slow metabolism , etc.
My symptoms of menopause have been the usual plus I'm usually cold in the wrists and hands.
I have been using liquid iodine in water twice daily for six months. I will be honest. It tastes metallic and it is hard to swallow, but I think of it as medicine. It is a mineral though. Minerals are rocks and metals in rocks! My experiment has been successful. I used Lugol's brand 5% liquid iodine stirred in eight ounces of water twice a day.
I think the hot yoga helped my menopausal symptoms as well. I'm not cold anymore, my sleep is deeper, my dreams are better, and I'm less fatigued.
Everybody is unique in their mineral needs. Please tweak any experiment to your individual body to see what makes you feel great and perform your best.
Also, read and research on your own the minerals, vitamins, and herbs that we receive from food to heal us rather than always blindly popping a pill. Food for thought...
KJ Landis