Love yourself a bit more. You deserve everything in abundance.
When we take time for our desires, regardless of what others think, it is a self loving moment. If we feel no resentment or guilt when we take time for ourselves, we have the opportunity to grow as a human spirit.
This includes our food choices. When I choose raw butter, or raw cashew butter over Skippy and margarine, I am taking care of my body that my spirit is inhabiting while here on earth. When I choose leafy greens and fresh air with movement and laughter included, rather than stuck in a cubby hole inside (hunched over), my creative ideas may flow freely. Then I have abundant energy!
Conscious cheating is called a treat. Unconscious cheating is self sabotage. Know the difference, acknowledge it, and move forward. Stop the negative self dialogue. We eliminated them with the NEGATIVE THOUGHT POT last time, remember?
This health and wellness thing is a lifelong journey. It will never leave you bored!!! LOLOL
KJ Landis
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