January of 2017 I decided to do a vegetable juice fast. This was a personal decision based upon my enjoyment of Manhattans and lots of parties in December of 2016. It was not based upon eating processed foods or refined sugars, but I was ready to give my digestive system a rest. I also wanted to experiment with a parasite cleanse, which I had never done before. I ordered my parasite cleanse liquid from swansonvitamins.com. The difference between this vegetable juice fast and any other that I had done in the past was that I did not announce it on any of my social media, I did not invite anyone to join me, and I did not attach a number as to how many days I was going to do this for. Not putting a digit on my beginning or end date to my juice fast took away the end-goal pressure during the experience. It took away the feeling that I was a success or a failure based upon the fact of whether I cheated during my stated number of days. It created within me a calm flow of acceptance, a mindfulness, a true physical feeling out my body, and physiological listening to my body and its needs. I began to trust the communication between my organs and my mind at a deeper level than ever before. Was it the lack of digestion? Was it my being in my fifties? Was it my having more time on my hands to observe myself since I was not cooking or eating for myself, only for the kids and hubby? I knew I wanted to have a loose plan in place before I started. I thought about what I was going to juice, but didn't write anything down because this round was purposefully going to be different, to be flexible. I had coffee and raw heavy cream in the morning as usual. That's is my morning ritual. I juiced any vegetables that were in the refrigerator, even raw artichokes one day! I always added ginger, garlic, and lemon to the mixture. I added one piece of fruit to the 40 pounds of vegetables juiced daily in my Omega juicer. I drank a gallon of water a day with lemon and raw apple cider vinegar in It. I also added pink Himalayan salt for the mineral salts and electrolytes. Some days I added powdered collagen. I didn't count calories. I drank a lot of juice. If I was hungry I drank juice. If I was thirsty I drank juice. If I was tired after hot yoga, I drank juice. At work in the hotel restaurant, sometimes I would have a coffee around 6 PM out of ritual, not fatigue, but eventually I didn't even want that. If I was hungry at work and I had finished the green vegetable juice I had brought from home, I would enjoy a V8, tomato juice with lemons, or I would have bloody Mary mix with extra spices added. One evening while at work, I had a craving for protein and fat. I listened to my body, and asked the manager if I could please have a giant pork chop and mushrooms. I planned on devouring the meal by myself. When I saw the meal, I shared it with three other servers. I enjoyed it thoroughly and without guilt. This was after about 15 days into my green vegetable juice fast. I thought I was going to eat the whole thing, but my body was satisfied after one quarter of the giant pork chop. The next morning I woke up and I felt like resuming my juice fast. So I continued. After 20 days on my juice fast, I decided I was finished. I chose to snack on solid food three times during my juice fast, but not full meals like the pork chop and mushroom evening. Each time I woke up the next day desiring to resume the juice fast. Now January is over and I feel like I have no parasites left in my body causing me to crave food and crave alcohol. I am extremely satisfied with very little food, which is unusual for me because I usually inhale pounds of vegetables every day. I am not hungry at all these days until about 10 PM now. Even before this vegetable juice fast I have been eating extremely clean for five years and have lost 50 pounds. I don't indulge in any grains, sugars, or processed packaged foods. My usual eating style is real food, right now! (book coming in 2018) I cannot really explain it scientifically to you because I have not been to a doctor to get blood work done. I can only tell you in my intuitive way. My instincts are telling me that I am listening to my body in a very deep manner right now. Perhaps it is because I gave my digestive system a complete rest. Perhaps it is because I gave my body extreme amounts of vitamins, minerals, live enzymes, phytochemicals, and live foods in a concentrated form. My life is vibrant, imaginative, and full right now. Everyone and everything is colorful. I am getting inspiration and motivation daily. Is this because I performed a flexible vegetable juice fast? I don't know. I am open to accepting whatever abundance the fast has given me. Perhaps the creative gifts would have come anyway. It's all good. I am so grateful. I am so blessed. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you today. Blessings, KJ Landis Find me at: superiorselfwithkjlandis.com SuperiorSelf channel on YouTube SuperiorSelf on Twitter and Periscope superiorself on Instagram Superior Self with KJ Landis on Facebook KJ Landis on LinkedIn [email protected] BOOK AVAILABLE NOW! https://www.amazon.com/dp/1452521352/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_UVClub134AYDK http://m.barnesandnoble.com/w/superior-self-kj-landis/1120403615?ean=9781452521350 http://bookstore.balboapress.com/AdvancedSearch/Default.aspx?SearchTerm=Landis Folio Books, San Francisco Olive This, Olive That, San Francisco Your local library Books Inc, S |