So, I took the next step and signed up for teacher certification training. After an exciting weekend of learning the basics and adding in my own moves to get the best workup for myself, I made mixes on my iPod and applied to be a teacher at the gym I already belonged to. I was accepted and from that moment on, I knew my classes would offer something totally new and motivating for the participants. I mixed jazz, world music, rap, reggae, hip hop, soul, gospel, musicals, classical, etc.
After each class, the participants would ask me to make them the copies of my mixes because they wanted to use the music for their workouts outside of the cycling room. This was the biggest compliment I could have ever received.
What is your YES music? What music has you nodding your head in a positive way, that spurs you on towards your best version of yourself? I use music every day to help me get through what I want to do, what I'm doing, my feelings, and as a backdrop for my life. I could not imagine my life without it. It is the only thing I know outside of silence that expresses the inexpressible.
KJ Landis