My breaking point was when I signed up for a liposuction at 47 and my husband got irate, citing Kanye West's mother's demise. I knew there had to be another way.
I wanted my outside to match how powerful and amazing I felt every day on the inside. I was a 16 time marathoner, a mother of two amazing children, a wellness coach, an educator, a professional photographer, a happy server, an enthusiastic reader, a loving wife, and world traveler.
I lost the weight using the natural pregnancy hormone HCG and eating only green veggies, white fleshed fish, seafood, and drinking a gallon of water a day. I was always very active, and even had certified personal training certificates. I was a certified fitness trainer too, teaching many exercise classes. Fit can be fat too!
I wanted to be lean like when I was modeling years before. It took me about 60 days, as written in my previous letter to you.
I keep the fat off by hiking, yoga, walking, lifting weights, and serving (waitressing) in the evenings. I'm busy. I eat clean and green 80% of the time and allow treats (notice I don't call them cheats) 20% of the time. I still drink lots of water, meditate and smile at myself daily!
My best two tips are:
1. Slowly increase water consumption to a gallon of water a day and add lemon or cucumbers. That way you can tell if you are truly hungry or just socially and emotionally hungry. This also allows us to urinate or sweat out the fat as we are losing fat because that is how the body eliminates fat.
2. Enlist a buddy to do this journey with you. Building a tribe of support is extremely important when making lifestyle changes.
I hope this helps.
KJ Landis