One morning a teacher was speaking about boundaries. She was saying we push ourselves little by little in the classroom, never knowing where our stretch will take us, but if we say we can't, or we must not, because the doctor said to NOT to do X, Y, or Z, well that is allowing others to place boundaries and limits upon us. Let us feel our way to success and stretch beyond our boundaries, tiny bits at a time. We are not to allow pain and injury to be the rule, but we may surprise ourselves, inside the room, and then carry the successes outside the classroom into other areas in life.
Some of us do not even know our boundaries! What about that? We have been so afraid of X, Y, or Z, both in our mental and our physical lives, that we limit ourselves to the point of paralyzation. We go through the same small routines that feel safe albeit limiting. We are living in a cardboard box as much as the homeless person on the corner.
So today, stretch your mental and physical being, just a millimeter longer. Ask yourself what you accept and do not accept in your life in the area of ______________________. Pick a category and work on it. Write it down. Choose one physical and one mental or spiritual area of your life, be it career, intelligence, religious, relationships, etc. Work on your boundaries. Once you know your boundaries, then others will respect your boundaries. If you do not even know your boundaries, how can you expect others to honor them?
Food for thought, my tribe..
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Loads of love and blessings,
KJ Landis
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