After about three weeks it becomes part of our new normal. So it is not gritting our teeth and sticking to our plan now. Now, it is a gentler refraining of the things we no longer want in our eating lifestyle or in our movement lifestyle. There is a natural flow with our choices. With repetition, there is positive reinforcement. We see improvements in our health all around, subtle at first, and then not so subtle.
After about six weeks, we have retrained our minds into making healthier choices as a natural way of living. Our check up with our doctor will show improvements in the data. Okay, so now we have proof that we are healthy, and our feeling better is real. I think it is a big internal pat on the back. Friends and family will begin noticing your vibrant glow and shift in energy.
After about twelve weeks of living in your new mindset, you have reframed how you see the world. Your cells have turned over a new leaf, your body has responded to the choices made, and now, when you choose a treat, it is not a cheat. You no longer beat yourself up over the choice, and you no longer spiral out of control into past habits. Friends and family will either try to sabotage your efforts with temptation, or ask for your help on their journey.
I am living proof of the journey through RESTRAIN, REFRAIN, RETRAIN, and REFRAME. I have gone through the phases shared here. Have you? Please tell me your thoughts about these words and how they affected your life in your wellness sphere. Have you had to let some people go during the process? Have you held new friends close to your heart? I want to hear from you!
KJ Landis