Sometimes we value our title or income in relation to those who are in the media as measures for success.
As a wellness workshop facilitator and author, I find success can be found and measured in other manners.
When a client, student, or participant comes back and shares their life improvement, a better understanding of the subject matter, or how your work has impacted them in a positive way, that is truly a measure of success. Those things cannot be validated just by a title or money.
To me, all success is about relationships, really. Whether in a quiet science lab, a computer data entry room, or in real estate, the end result of all jobs is how we connect to other human beings and make lives better. Our work efforts affect lives. That’s the true measurement of success. Can we enhance our lives and others through our work?
Thanks for allowing me to share my philosophy on this matter. How do you measure success with your self awareness? I want to hear from you.
KJ Landis