In peaceful times and in chaotic times, individuals still suffer from personal challenges, both big and small. How we deal with the situations personally and in a community may not be the same. The end goal is the same, though. We must sift out truths in the media drama, and we must take care of ourselves no matter what the circumstances.
To find peace within, I suggest taking a few minutes a day to breath slowly in silence, or to meditate, either in silence or with a free guided meditation app. This will help lower the chaos within. Meditation even lowers blood pressure, and helps the nervous system calm down. This will in turn help the hormones not rise up in a fight or flight reaction continuously.
To support each other in a productive way, we need to call each other and talk, really have a deep conversation with others, get together in person; any way of keeping the lines of communication open is important. Talking about our fears with others can let us all know we are not alone, and together we can make a plan, or to just be there to listen.
I hope this has helped your journey.
KJ Landis